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CGC Landran April 05, 2024 04 Comments

Department of Biotechnology, CCT organized Educational Visit to the Botanical Garden, Chandigarh.

A variety of themes were included as in the bonsai herb, rose, cactus garden, and various horticultural techniques to cultivate particular plant communities. The excursion was entertaining and instructive, providing a window into the amazing world of plants. #CGCians also went to Chandigarh's well-known Bird Park. Discovering the many bird species kept at the park, their habitats, and the role that birds play in the ecology were the main goals of the tour.
#CGCLandran #Botanical #Garden #Bird #Park #Educational #Trips #Registration #Open #RegisterNow #2024

CGC Landnran April 04, 2024 04 Comments

CEC-CGC organized a workshop on “Virtual Labs” in collaboration with IIT Delhi.

The programme commenced with the welcome address by Dr. Bhawna Tandon, SPOC Virtual labs. She mentioned that Virtual Labs is an initiative of the Ministry of Education to help students learn basic and advanced concepts through remote experimentation. This will also provide an opportunity for students to get exposure to conducting complex experiments virtually and gain the confidence to perform the real experiments proficiently. During this programme, Mr. Chirag Dey (Sr. Executive Trainer) and Mr. Shivam Yadav (Field Engineer) from IIT Delhi provided training on the Virtual Lab Platform.
#CGCLandran #VirtualLabs #IIT #Delhi #SPOC #Engineering #Session #Knowledge #Exposure #Registration #Open #RegisterNow #2024

CGC Landran January 03, 2024 04 Comments

We are delighted to inform you that we’re in collaboration with SAP India, the Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Landran, is serving as a regional partner and will be organizing the 3rd Edition Hack Fest in 2024.

This is a great chance for participants to show off their technical prowess and inventiveness. With SAP serving as the main sponsor, competitors will get the chance to speak with the judges, mentors, and industry professionals who will provide them with relevant feedback on their ideas. 6th April is the last day for registration, so just scan the QR Code above and get yourself registered today!
#CGCLandran #Registration #Open #RegisterNow #2024 #Hackathon #National #Level #Competition #Coding

CGC Landran April 03, 2024 04 Comments

TPP DAY-VERVE 2024 " TPP Department celebrated the remarkable achievements of our students who exhibited exemplary performance in various domains.

Honourable Campus Director Dr. P.N Hrisheekesha and Mr. Mandeep Singh, Head of TPP Department graced the occasion. This ceremony not only celebrates their achievements but also serves as an inspiration for others to strive for excellence in their endeavors and applaud the dedication and accomplishments of our students and faculty, setting a standard of excellence in all aspects of placement processes and making our students Industry ready. The Flagship event of TPP Verve 2024 witnessed a whopping participation of students throughout the academic year. All the winners got felicitated during the event.
#CGCLandran #TPP #Department #Ceremony #Occasion #Winners #Event #Registration #Open #RegisterNow #2024


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Anmol Narang

I'm Anmol Narang, and this is my creative space. I think that Services doesn’t have to cost a fortune. I hope you enjoy and come back often.

Recent Update


We are happy to share that CEC-CGC Landran, Mohali earned A+ grade in NAAC accreditation.

19 March, 2024

Additionally, they launched the first trailer for their next film "Shayar" on the #CGCLandran stage.

04 April, 2024